Annie Hewitt
Title: Director of Health and Wellness
Annie serves as the Director of Coordinated Care for Silver Key. She is responsible for the oversight and development of staff, and specific programs under the Health and Wellness department. Specifically, she effectively provides leadership and consultation to case managers, resource navigators, and companionship services staff. She assesses needs and plans, while also effectively communicating, developing, and executing strategic initiatives that support the sustainment of programs that allow Silver Key to address the on-going needs of the Older Adult community.
Most recently, she was the Manager of Health and Wellness, and recently earned a promotion to her current role as Director of Coordinated Care. Prior to that, Annie was dedicated to serving El Paso county residents in her role as a Community-Based Behavioral Health Case Manager, and a community-based Skills Development Specialist.
Annie holds a master’s degree in social work, and a bachelor’s in criminal justice. She is currently working towards her clinical license. Annie is a Colorado native and loves to travel and spend time with her family.