Silver Key’s Engaged at Every Age 50th Anniversary Gala Auction Donation Form
About the Event
Silver Key is celebrating a milestone anniversary this year—50 years of caring service to our local senior community! This ticketed event will feature live entertainment, silent auction and raffle, casino-style games, dancing, and more. The event has been postponed until 2021.
Benefits of Donating
- Recognition in the event program, at the auction tables, on the digital auction platform.
- Tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law
Silver Key Contact Information
Jessica Arana is the Silver Key contact for completed donation forms, delivery of auction item, certificate, etc., and for any questions.
Jessica Arana, Events & Donor Relations Manager
1625 S. Murray Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80916
Direct: (719) 884-2325, Email:
Thank you
Your support will allow us to continue to support the amazing seniors we currently serve and also to extend our reach to the hundreds of older adults we have yet to meet. Thank you for considering our request and helping us with the auction. Together, we are making the Pikes Peak region the best community in the nation to age!