As you may be aware, Silver Key Senior Services proudly collaborates with and benefits from the Empty Stocking Fund. Celebrating its 40th year, the Empty Stocking Fund is a local initiative supporting 20 health and human service agencies in the Pikes Peak Region, serving over 300,000 individuals. With matching grants from local foundations and the contribution of administrative services, each donation to the campaign grows by 45%, and the entirety of every donation directly aids the participating agencies.
While Silver Key Senior Services plays a crucial role, addressing the community's needs requires a collective effort. Collaborating with other agencies has allowed the Empty Stocking Fund to have a more significant and widespread impact, enhancing the vital support services our community relies on. If possible, we encourage you to participate in the 2023-2024 Empty Stocking Fund campaign, concluding on January 20th.
For more information, please visit EmptyStockingFundCO.org or reach out to Gazette Charities/Empty Stocking Fund Executive Director, Deb Mahan, at deb.mahan@gazettecharities.org.