Updated Silver Key Food Pantry – Covid Required Modifications
Due to elevated restrictions related to Covid-19, we have adjusted several components when visiting our Senior Health & Wellness area.
The Silver Key Food Pantry will be operating a Drive-Thru model for the month of November. Client’s arriving at campus will be directed to drive around the complex. There will be a Pantry Pick-Up Lane and a Drive-Thru Traffic Lane to assist with traffic flow. Client’s visiting the pantry will get into the pick-up line where they will be greeted by Pantry Staff and Volunteer’s whom will obtain their:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Special items if requested (Pet food/Hygiene Supplies)
- Asked if they would like an energy savings kit.
- Asked if they need pet food
This information will be relayed to our team inside the building, where they will gather regular items and if applicable bountiful bag/gift card. Clients who request, will also receive P.A.W.S. (Pets Adore Wonderful Seniors) pet food from a grant supporting this need. Once they arrive at the Senior Health & Wellness awning, their items will be loaded into their vehicle by a Pantry Staff or Volunteer. Clients will then be guided to merge lanes and advised that they will be entering 2 way traffic along the front of the building to the exit onto Murray Blvd.
NEW pantry client’s will be requested to pull into one of the front reserved spots where Pantry Staff will verify eligibility and complete needed documentation. Once verified, clients will be given their commodities, special items (PET/Hygiene), and offered an energy savings kit.
For clients who are visiting for a case management or behavioral health appointment, please use the thru-traffic lane (outside lane) as you enter the parking lot. You can park on the west side of the building. Upon arrival, please call your case manager or counselor who you have scheduled with to notify them you have arrived. They will then come and greet you. You will then enter the building and have your temperature checked, then proceed to your providers office.
More to come….