Masks and Distancing Guidelines

Based on new guidance from the CDC regarding vaccine effectiveness, and the Governor’s lifting of the mask mandate, beginning, Tuesday, May 18, masks and social distancing at Silver Key will be optional for individuals who are fully vaccinated (with the exception of Reserve & Ride drivers and clients-which must remain masked pending changes in the public health order).   

“Fully vaccinated” means it has been two weeks since a person received the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna or the single dose of Johnson & Johnson.  Unvaccinated individuals must still wear face coverings and continue to socially distance, per CDC guidance.  Some individuals may choose to continue to wear masks, and as part of our culture and value of respect for the individual, we should all support their right to do so.

We will not require proof of vaccination, but we ask for personal responsibility and respectful cooperation with these revised guidelines. Finally, I also want to reinforce that we will continue to uphold our robust cleaning and other hygiene protocols to provide all with a safe environment. As always, our goal is to continue to provide a safe atmosphere for our staff, volunteers, clients, and guests, while following public health advice and applicable laws. 

Additionally, if you are not feeling well (Covid or otherwise), we ask that you remain home and until you are feeling better. 

The Covid-19 vaccine is now available to everyone age 12 and older.  Vaccinations will keep our community safe and let us all get back to “normal.” 

If you have not yet been vaccinated, information can be found on El Paso County Public Health’s site here: